"I have found the Balance Wedge to be an invaluable tool in allowing clients to develop a greater awareness of their postural alignment.
From a client perspective, the Wedge offers immediate feedback and soft tissue release.
From a teaching perspective, the Wedge has opened up a number of rehab / exercise possibilities".
- Katie Meaden - Physiotherapist and Body Control Pilates Instructor
Are you a practitioner and would like to know more about the OptiNeck Balance Wedge and how it can benefit you and your clients / patients?
Are you interested in becoming a Provider being a part of the Upper Quadrant Rehab Revolution?
We would love to hear from you!
Click here to email us: [email protected]
Anonymous Survey Testimonials
Straightens me out after a long day at my desk
Time efficient and easy to use. The bright blue colour is a vibrant reminder to do your exercises!