If exercise is easy and rewarding, you create a habit. If you create a habit, you change the outcome.
The OptiNeck Balance Wedge is not a foam roller. It was the limitations and problems inherent to foam rollers to that inspired me to create something better. The result is something truly unique and infinitely more useful and user friendly.
All the time we spend interacting with screens puts a lot of strain on our bodies.
The static, imbalanced postures that screens create leads to stiffening of our muscles and joints.
This stiffening leads to strain, which more often than not, leads to pain.
The OptiNeck Balance Wedge works by restoring balanced movement, flexibility and postural alignment to the trunk and upper quadrant (upper back, neck, head, shoulder, arm).
This effectively repositions the head over the trunk and reduces the strain on the neck and around the shoulders.
It gets gravity working for you, rather than against you and helps you create a habit of restoring postural balance and free movement.
"I am always a little reserved when it comes to work related gadgets and tools, especially those that are new. I needn't have had any concerns. The Wedge has become standard within my treatment and exercise repertoire and the evidence, from patient feedback, is strong.
The Wedge is a sleek looking device, which appears very simple in its design, however the benefit gained from its use is much more complex. I have treated upper quadrant patients for over 20 years and have used various techniques to improve thoracic mobility, including exercises, rolled towels, rolled magazines, tape etc. None have proved as effective or as easily applied as the Wedge.
The Wedge allows perfect alignment of the spine in a relaxed position where the user does not feel as if they are lying flat. It gives fantastic proprioception of spinal movement, and together with a flow of simple exercises allows release of the anterior chain, and mobilisation of the spine, gently allowing natural correction of posture, and off loading those "hinge" areas.
I use the Wedge to treat all my upper quadrant patients, and to run through some simple exercises, after which many ask where they can purchase such a device. A huge percentage of patients who walk away with a Wedge after their appointment report continued use and can feel the ongoing benefits.
I have had great success in treating neck pain, shoulder impingement, and other upper quadrant conditions in much shorter time frames than usual, much to the delight of my patients. I use the Wedge within my Pilates classes, and all my clients have enjoyed the benefits of the mobility they have gained from using it.
The Wedge is definitely something you need to try in order to realise how and why it is effective. If you are a cynic like me, then this is for you!!"
"The Balance Wedge is lightweight and brilliantly innovative in design and concept. It's use is supported by clear and thoughtful guidance which can be referred to online.
It is effective at helping to counteract the effects of flexed postures through our daily lives.
I enjoyed simply lying on it and once relaxed, naturally inhaled more deeply – wonderful at the end of a busy day!
I’d be proud to have developed such a useful, versatile and well thought out product and would love to share information with other like-mined people who I think would find it helpful.
I would 100% recommend the Optineck Balance Wedge to families (students and parents/carers) and am grateful for trialling it."
"In my opinion, the Balance Wedge has a similar affect to hands-on Physiotherapy treatment for the upper back, in that it helps to mobilise the multiple joints in the thorax when combined with the prescribed exercises. This has proved invaluable in my practice as patients are able to maintain gains achieved with hands-on treatment as part of their home self-management.
I also use the Balance Wedge with all my Pilates clients. In fact all my regulars have been so impressed with the results achieved during our sessions that they have bought one to use at home to help maintain their spinal mobility.
I have repeatedly seen significant objective improvement in stiff flexed upper backs - from teenagers to octogenarians. The benefits gained in mobility have helped to improve posture, relieve upper back pain and improve neck and shoulder girdle mechanics.
I have been a Physiotherapist for almost 30 years so I have seen a lot of different types of equipment come and go. Based on results observed with my Physio patients and Pilates clients I can honestly say that the Balance Wedge is highly effective in helping to gain and maintain Upper Quadrant mobility and thereby optimise mechanics through this region.